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Sorting Real-Time Incremental Data
Topic: Algorithm Design & Analysis
- Your algorithm will work as follows:
- Generate a random array of given size (see testing below)
- Perform incremental sorting of this array using each algorithm given
- Measure the time it takes for each algorithm to sort the array in milliseconds (or higher resolution)
- Before you call each sorting algorithm, you must make copy of the array to be sorted to avoid “cheating” by re-sorting an already sorted array.
- Static sorting:
- Your program will sort the randomly generated array using each sorting algorithm.
- Incremental sorting:
- Your program feeds one array element at a time from the randomly generated array to a given sorting algorithm, which is expected to keep a sorted version of all numbers that have already been given to it.
- You will have to modify each sorting algorithm such that they accept one element that is inserted into the end of the already sorted array, then resort the entire array.
- There is an exception:
- Modify insertion (Incremental-Insertion-Sort) sort such that it only executes the inside loop (placing the last element into its proper place).
- Report:
- Prepare a report (preferably in MS Word, Postscript, or PDF format) that contains
- i) the output of your program (as described above)
- ii) two charts of the output of your program (one for each task)
iii) an explanation of the results, detailing why the sorting algorithms did better/worse than the others on the two tasks
- You will run experiments with arrays of four sizes: 100, 1000, 10000 and 100000 elements
- The arrays’ elements will have values between 0 and 9999 (integer)
- You will run 30 experiments for each array size using each sorting algorithm, and plot the average run times on two charts, one for each task: Incremental and Static sorting
Program Input:
- Your program takes no input, as all data are generated by your program
Program Output:
- The average running times over the 30 runs for each algorithm on each of the two tasks.
- E.g.:
Incremental sorting:
Insertion sort: 2.5 ms
Static sorting:
Insertion sort: 3.5 ms
Your program will be granted based on the following criteria:
- Implementation of Insertion Sort
- Implementation of Selection Sort
- Implementation of Insertion Sort
- Implementation of Quick Sort
- Report
- Quality of code and comments
- You need to fill this table according to instructions.
Insertion Sort |
Selection Sort |
Merge Sort |
Quick Sort |
Static |
Incremental |
- You need to plot the average run times on two charts, one for each task: Incremental and Static sorting.
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