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Free Samples
256 Download | 13 Pages 1526 Words
You will undertake a number of investigative activities designed to develop your understanding of combinational Logic
78 Downloads | 12 Pages 554 Words
Question: Determine a compensating function Gc (s) such that one of the poles is eliminated. Provide all calculations in detail with explanation.
213 Downloads | 13 Pages 1193 Words
Analog Project
Choose a project from the list of projects provided to you. Preferably use op-amp LM 741 as you are familiar with the op-amp.
Project Title: “-A narrow band-pass filter using op-amp”
Customer comments:(Using this information: 10 kHz – 20kHz cut off, gain (Av) is 1. Do not use too simple or too difficult circuit. Must finish A-B-C activities, For Activity B I prefer to build the circuit on the breadboard and send the images to me. I prefer to finish Activity A and send the images of the circuit to me first before going on to Activity B and C.)
114 Downloads | 16 Pages 4378 Words
Question :
Investigation Of Design And Exploration Of A Tunnel Boring Machine And Tunnel Construction
67 Downloads | 5 Pages 811 Words
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In this assignment, for LO4, you will need to show that you can:
LO4.1Evaluate digital electronic device families.
LO4.2aDesign combinational digital electronic circuits.
LO4.2b Design sequential digital electronic circuits.
LO4.3Test digital circuits by construction or by computer simulation.
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1. (a) Name the three major groups of contamination and briefly describe their physical characteristics. (b) Where do the above contamination types come from? Give one example of each. 2. Name two processes metrics which would be worsened by poor cleanroom practices in a semiconductor cleanroom. Describe briefly what is meant by each term. 3. (a) What sizes of particles would cause problems for the following processes: • 5 ?m bipolar • 4.5 ?m NMOS • 1.1 ?m CMOS • 0.9 ?m BICMOS • 0.3 ?m CMOS?
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Assignment Objectives This assessment requires you critically analyse the system design process of a project using the theory and principles .
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A written explanation of how and why you implemented the following from Specialised Teensy Functionality:
Switch debouncing
Direct control of LCD write
Program memory
7 Downloads | 7 Pages 1384 Words
Assignment 1 due on 13/Oct/2019
For the robot shown in the figure below,
Calculate degrees of freedom. 1 mark
It is required to place the robot hand at the following pose;
x=58.54mm, y=29.20mm and α 2.44 rad where the maximum unaccounted for load applied at
point P is expected to be (0 N, 1 N, 0 Nm)
07 Downloads | 6 Pages 1256 Words
Prob 1. (20 pts)
Consider a simple shock absorber as shown in the system below. This system consists of only a spring and a dashpot. The mass is so small that we can neglect it.
Assume the system input is a unit step function and all initial conditions are zero.
Task Outline:
Canned food comes in a variety of cylindrical cans: for example, narrow tall ones and wide short ones.
For a can of a fixed certain volume, if the height (h) of the can is increased, then necessarily, the radius (r) must decrease in order to maintain the fixed volume.Hence, the amount of metal required to make a can of a fixed volume depends on the exact dimensions of the can.The ratio of a can’s height to radius can be found by calculating hr and is a measure of how tall the can is compared to how wide it is. For example if hr=3 then the can is three times taller than it is wide.
31 Downloads | 7 Pages 1684 Words
Topic: Algorithm Design & Analysis
49 Downloads | 8 Pages 1896 Words
Project Title:
Build a Smart Parking system using IoT to show real-time vacancy of a parking lot at a shopping centre with two entries. Each entry has an exist also Review existing commercial Parking systems around the world and Build a low cost smart parking system that can interact via mobile phone or internet with drivers to show availability of free parking space. The system must display availability of parking on entry to car park also. Build a demonstrator model at low cost.
67 Downloads | 7 Pages 1684 Words
Oxalic acid solid can react with hydrogen gas in principle to form ethane gas and water liquid at 298 K.
43 Downloads | 8 Pages 1996 Words
The goal of this assignment is to extend the existing support code of a mario style 2D-platformer written in Python using tkinter.
To be successful in completing this assignment you will have to use the concepts and skills that you have learnt. Specifically, you will need to have a good understanding of GUI programming, inter-class interactions, extending classes and file IO.
This document outlines the tasks that you will need to implement for this assignment.
Problem 1. Subject Invariant Activity Recognition (30%). A common problem when performing classification and/or recognition on human behaviours, for example speech or ac- tivity recognition, is that different people will perform the same behaviour in different ways. In the case of speech this may manifest as different accents, while in the case of activity recognition differences between subjects may be driven by differences in how they move their body to perform the target action. To cope with such variations, models are typically trained on many subjects in the hope that they can capture the different possible manners in which the target behaviours are performed, such that the model can generalise to unseen subjects.
37 Downloads | 8 Pages 1996 Words
LO1 Evaluate energy demand to determine the technology and methods of energy production.
LO2 Discuss current energy efficiency measures, technologies and policies specific to the building and transportation sectors.
LO3 Analyse the control techniques of power electronics for renewable energy systems
LO4 Investigate the impacts of renewable resources to the grid and the various issues associated with integrating such resources to the grid
40 | 3 pages 500 words
generalized curvilinear coordinates using the artificial compressibility method. Use a three-point, second order accurate finite difference to discretize the convective and viscous fluxes (as you have done in your homework) in conjunction with scalar, fourth- difference, third-order accurate artificial dissipation for stability. Advance the governing equations in time using an explicit, four stage Runge-Kutta time stepping.
50 | 3 pages 500 words
The MATLAB simulation was used to elaborate on the data collected in the theoretical calculations. The theoretical calculation gave us the angular and linear acceleration of each hovercraft design. With the addition of MATLAB we will not only be able to see the the acceleration over time of each hovercraft but to be able to calculate and represent velocity and displacement over time of each design. For better visual effects the value at three seconds is shown. Note that these calculations do not take into consideration drag and friction, which will affect the results in the real world .